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Chapter two: "Encountering an Ancient Alien Craft in the Depths of Space: What Could It Mean for the Crew of the Battleship Zerta?

Writer's picture: oganes karayanoganes karayan

As the Battleship Zerta drifted silently in the expanse of space, the crew's focus turned into a strange craft they had detected, slowly floating in the void, just outside their ship. It was ancient, with a design unlike anything they'd encountered—its surface marred with scars of forgotten battles, yet it pulsed with a faint, almost imperceptible energy signature. Commander Zerus, ever the vigilant leader, ordered a small team to investigate.

The docking bay hissed as the team suited up, their boots clicking against the cold metal floor. The exit hatch opened with a sharp metallic clank, exposing the vast emptiness of space. A long corridor of vacuum connected Zerta to the derelict craft, like a bridge between two unknowns.

As they floated towards the mysterious vessel, its massive structure loomed larger with every passing moment. What initially seemed like a simple derelict now revealed intricate designs etched into its surface—patterns, and symbols that hinted at a long-lost civilization. Zerus, leading the way, landed softly on the vessel’s hull, his suit’s magnetic grips engaging to secure him to the surface.

“Everyone, stay sharp,” Zerus ordered over the comms. “Liora, scan for life signs.”

Liora's visor flickered with readings as she cautiously swept her scanner across the ship’s surface. "Nothing… no life signs. But... I'm picking up something strange. There’s energy—faint, but it's there like the ship itself is still active somehow."

They made their way to what appeared to be an entrance hatch, long sealed but still functional. Zerus activated the control panel on the side, and with a groan of ancient machinery, the hatch slowly slid open. A gust of air burst forth, and the crew floated inside, entering a long, dark passageway. The walls were sleek, almost organic in their curvature, as if the ship had been grown rather than built.

Inside, the air was stale and cold. The gravity field was low, allowing them to glide effortlessly through the ship’s corridors. Their lights cut through the darkness, revealing strange consoles and flickering displays still struggling to hold onto power. Everything was eerily quiet, save for the occasional creak of the ship’s metal contracting from the vacuum of space.

Ahead, a large set of doors stood sealed, but not for long. Zerus approached cautiously and examined the control panel beside it. "This looks like the main chamber," he muttered. "Prepare for anything."

The doors slid open with a deep rumble, revealing a massive chamber bathed in a pale, ghostly light. At its center, suspended in the air by thin tendrils of energy, was a large sphere—pulsing faintly. Surrounding it were rows of stasis pods, but unlike the sterile, orderly arrangements in most ships, these seemed haphazardly placed, almost as if they had been abandoned in a hurry.

Zerus led the team forward, tension building. “Liora, what do you make of this?”

Liora’s eyes widened behind her visor. “It’s a containment field... for something powerful. But those pods—they’re not empty.”

Suddenly, the sphere crackled with energy, and the stasis pods began to hum. One by one, their doors hissed open, revealing towering robotic figures, sleek and advanced, their forms shimmering with latent energy. These were no ordinary machines—they were war machines, built for destruction.

One of the robots’ eyes flared to life with a bright blue glow, and it slowly lifted its head toward the team. “Intruders detected,” its voice reverberated through the chamber, mechanical and deep. “You are in restricted space. Surrender or face termination.”

The crew raised their weapons instinctively, but Zerus held up a hand. “Wait! We need to understand what this place is first.”

Another voice, deeper and more menacing, came from one of the still inactive robots. “Stasis protocol is overridden. Defenses will engage. Prepare for combat.”

As the remaining robots began to power up, the crew found themselves trapped in the chamber with a fleet of war machines awakening from centuries of slumber.

The chamber filled with the low hum of energy as the remaining robots powered up, their eyes flickering to life one by one. The air around the crew grew thick with tension, the sound of machinery whirring into action echoing ominously off the walls. The robot's joints clicked and shifted, their towering forms standing tall and menacing, ready to defend the ship with whatever lethal force they were programmed for.

Commander Zerus took a deep breath, his hand instinctively tightening around his weapon. "Everyone, stay calm. No sudden moves," he commanded over the comms, his voice firm but controlled. His eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of weakness or an escape route.

Liora stood beside him, her empathic senses overwhelmed by the cold, calculated menace of the machines around them. "They're waking up fully now. I can feel it—their only directive is to eliminate threats," she whispered, her voice shaky with the overwhelming intensity of the energy signatures.

The lead robot stepped forward, its glowing eyes locking onto the crew. "Unauthorized life forms detected. Initiating security protocols," it intoned with chilling precision. Panels on its arms slid open, revealing advanced weaponry. Energy cannons began to charge, humming with deadly power.

Zerus quickly assessed the situation. The exits were blocked by the activated stasis pods, and the room was sealed tight. Fighting their way out seemed impossible against the overwhelming number of battle-ready machines. "We need a plan, now!" he barked, turning to his crew.

Calia, the ship’s tactical specialist, immediately jumped into action. "The sphere in the center—it’s powering them. If we can disable that, we might be able to shut them down or at least buy some time."

"That’s a long shot," grunted Zorak, the team’s weapons expert, as he adjusted his plasma rifle. "But it’s better than being fried where we stand."

Zerus nodded, eyes fixed on the glowing sphere. "Calia, Zorak, create a distraction. Liora and I will move toward the sphere. We’ll disable it manually if we have to."

With swift precision, the crew sprang into action. Calia and Zorak opened fire, their weapons lighting up the chamber with bursts of energy. The robots responded immediately, raising their energy shields and retaliating with powerful blasts. The room exploded into chaos, energy bolts ricocheting off the walls as the crew darted for cover behind the stasis pods.

Liora followed closely behind Zerus as they weaved through the crossfire, heading for the sphere. "It’s protected by some kind of energy field," Liora warned. "We’ll have to get close enough to disable it."

Zerus gave her a grim nod. "Just keep moving."

As they neared the sphere, the lead robot broke off from the fight, its glowing eyes now locked onto them. With a powerful leap, it landed directly in their path, raising its arm cannon to fire.

Zerus acted on pure instinct. He threw himself forward, tackling Liora to the ground just as a blast of energy shot past them, narrowly missing their heads. The ground beneath them shook with the force of the explosion. He rolled to his feet, raising his weapon, but the robot was already advancing, its towering form blocking the path to the sphere.

“We’re running out of time!” Liora shouted over the sounds of battle.

Zerus gritted his teeth and fired a burst of plasma rounds at the robot. The shots hit its energy shield, causing ripples across the protective field, but it remained undeterred. It fired again, its blast grazing Zerus’ arm, sending a sharp pain coursing through him. He stumbled but didn’t stop moving.

“Zerus, go! I’ll try to disrupt its systems!” Liora cried, extending her hand towards the robot. Her eyes glowed faintly as she focused her empathic ability, trying to reach the flicker of sentience within the machine.

The robot hesitated, its movements slowing for just a second, giving Zerus the opening he needed. He dashed past the towering machine, diving towards the sphere. His fingers flew over the control panel at the base, searching for any way to deactivate it.

The ground shook as the robots advanced on the crew, their weapons tearing through the stasis pods and cover. Zorak let out a roar of frustration as his plasma rifle overheated, forcing him to switch to hand-to-hand combat against one of the smaller machines. “We can’t hold them much longer!”

Zerus grunted in frustration as the sphere’s interface resisted his attempts to shut it down. “Come on, come on…” He muttered under his breath, sweat beading on his forehead.

Just then, Liora let out a gasp as her connection with the lead robot broke. The machine lurched back to life, its arm cannon charging up once again.

“Zerus!” Liora screamed, but it was too late.

The robot fired a blast directly at the commander.

In the last split second, Zerus slammed his hand on an emergency shutdown command. The sphere pulsed with energy, and then—everything stopped.

The robots froze mid-motion, their glowing eyes flickering and going dark. Silence fell over the chamber, broken only by the sound of the crew catching their breath.

Zerus collapsed to one knee, clutching his wounded arm. The sphere in the center dimmed, its energy drained. “We did it…” he panted, looking up at Liora with a weak smile.

But before they could relax, a low rumble began to echo through the ship. The sphere hadn’t just shut down the robots—it had triggered something far worse.

Liora’s eyes widened in horror. “Zerus… we need to get out of here. Now.”

The ship itself was waking up.


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